Breast milk offers unparalleled nutrition — but it’s not always an option. So we take inspiration from her gold standard, tailoring formulas to be closer to the real thing.
Through diligent R&D, Niuriss brand harnesses Canadian milk (considered some of the highest quality in the world*) and the latest advancements in baby nutrition science… All from North America’s newest state-of-the-art facility.

The OPO Advantage
First-to-market OPO (oleic-palmitic-oleic) lipids are game-changing lipids with unique advantages for growth, digestion, and comfort.
The Need
The fat structure of human milk is unique, serving an important purpose for your little one’s nutrition:
- Fat makes up 50-60% of your baby’s energy intake.
- It helps them absorb nutrients!
While many infant formulas supply necessary nutrients comparable to human milk, the type of fat they offer can differ significantly.
Specially designed formula fats like first-to-market OPO lipids are closer to the fat structure of breast milk. Compared to infant formulas produced with vegetable oils, studies show OPO lipids:*
- Increase fatty acid absorption,
- Increase calcium absorption,
- Soften stools and reduce constipation,
- Promote healthy gut microbiota!
This overall positive effect on baby tummies also has been shown to lead to less crying, better sleep, and possibly better neurodevelopment.
Our Formula Powerhouse
These impactful ingredients contribute to important aspects of a baby’s growth and healthy development — for formulas that nourish from the inside out. From game-changing OPO lipids and GOS for digestive health to ingredients boosting brain development, immune support, and bone and muscle growth!
Digestive Health: OPO Lipids and GOS as a source of fiber.
Brain Development: DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids), nucleotides, and microelements such as choline, biotin, folic acid, iodine
Immune Support: 2’-FL HMO, zinc, and dietary antioxidants (vitamin E and vitamin C).
Bone Density and Muscle Growth: Calcium and blend of proteins, enriched with vitamin D and adjusted based on age requirements
Niuriss brand adheres to stringent Canadian food safety standards.
Made in Canada from Canadian milk.
- No hormones or antibiotics in our milk source.
- Halal and Kosher certified in Canada.
Join the Nest
Our goal is to offer meaningful support. That's why we're introducing a locked-in special launch price and more to safeguard against price increases for the first year.
Create your account now to claim your first can of formula free with your first order — and enter to WIN $1,000 towards a registered education savings plan!