Canada Royal Milk NEST™ Program Contest Rules

  1. Contest Period. The NEST™ Program Contest (the “Contest”) is organized and administered by Canada Royal Milk ULC (the “Contest Sponsor”) The Contest starts on June 13, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (E.T.) and ends on December 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (E.T.) (the “Contest Period”).


  1. Eligibility. The Contest is open to individuals who: (a) are legal residents of Canada; (b) are located in Canada; (c) have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence; (d) are either the parent or legal guardian of a child, or have received permission from the child’s parent or legal guardian, and the child is qualified to be designated as the beneficiary of a Monthly Prize (as defined in Rule 4 below); and (e) who are new registrants to an Account (as defined in Rule 3 below) on (the “Website”) during the Contest Period (each, an “Entrant”). NOTE: To be designated as the beneficiary of a Monthly Prize, the child must be a legal resident of Canada, and cannot be more than 2 years old by June 1, 2025. An Entrant may designate a child that is not yet born at the time of entry into the Contest.

    Employees, representatives and agents of the Contest Sponsor, its affiliated companies, its advertising or promotional agencies, its promotional and contractual partners, if any, involved in the administration or registration of the Contest, and persons domiciled with the aforementioned persons and members of the immediate family (father, mother, siblings and children, regardless of their place of residence) of the aforesaid persons are not eligible in regard to the Contest. Please note that individuals that create an Account (as defined in Rule 3 below) on the Website before or after the Contest Period according to Rule 3 below will not be eligible to participate in the Contest.


  1. How to Enter. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. There are two (2) ways to enter the Contest: by Web entry or by mail-in entry (each, an “Entry”).


  • (a) Web entry: Visit (the “Website”) during the Contest Period, go to the page “Join the Nest”, and create an account by filling out the online registration form and completing all mandatory fields including your username, password, first name, last name, and email address, as well as your child’s name and actual or expected date of birth (an “Account”). You must also confirm that you are eligible to enter and agree to participate according to these Rules. Once you have completed the online form, click on the “Submit” button to create your Account and submit the form. In doing so, you’ll obtain one (1) Entry in the Contest. Failure to provide all required information requested on the form will void the Entry.


  • (b) Mail-in entry: Print the following: “Canada Royal Milk NEST™ Program Contest”, your full name, full mailing address, email address, date of birth, your child’s name and actual or expected date of birth, and a 50-word essay on why child education is important. Mail it with proper postage to: 1680 Venture Drive, Kingston, ON K7P 0E9 CANADA. In doing so, you’ll obtain one (1) Entry in the Contest. Limit of one (1) Entry per postage-stamped envelope per child. For eligibility to win a Monthly Prize, mail-in entries must be postmarked by the end of the applicable Monthly Prize Entry Period and received before the applicable draw date identified in Rule 5 below. Failure to provide all required information requested will void the Entry.

    Entry Limit: For web entries - one (1) Entry per new Account per child, that is age eligible (as defined in Rule 2 above), created during the Contest Period. Multiple Accounts created in households with multiple eligible children are eligible for participation in the Contest, provided that one new Account is created per child during the Contest Period. For clarity, Accounts created outside the Contest Period are not eligible for participation in the Contest. Any attempt to earn extra Entries by using multiple/different email addresses will void your Entry and may result in your disqualification from the Contest.  Any use of robotic, repetitive, automatic, programmed or similar entry methods or agents will void all Entries by you. All Entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.  Entries generated by script, macro, robotic, programmed, or any other automated means are prohibited and will be disqualified. 

    Although online access and an email account are required in order to participate in the Contest, no purchase is required; many public libraries, Internet cafés, retail businesses and others offer access to the Internet and a number of Internet service providers and other companies offer free email accounts.

    Entries shall be deemed to be submitted by the Authorized Account Holder of the email address used to enter the Contest. “Authorized Account Holder” of an email address is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an email address by an Internet access or online service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address. You may participate in the Contest only using an email address for which you are the Authorized Account Holder.  An eligible Prize winner may be required to provide proof that he/she is the Authorized Account Holder associated with the selected email address.  By submitting an email address to enter the Contest, you represent and warrant that you are the Authorized Account Holder.  You shall be responsible and liable to the Contest Sponsor and otherwise for any damages and other losses incurred by it as a result of your submission of any email address for which you are not the Authorized Account Holder. If a dispute arises regarding who submitted an Entry, the Entry will be deemed to be submitted by the Authorized Account Holder of the email address provided at the time of Entry.

    If you participate via a mobile device, you may incur standard data charges from your wireless service provider.  Check with your wireless service provider for details on these and other applicable charges.  Entrants are solely responsible for any such data charges. 


  1. Monthly Prizes. There is one (1) prize available to be won per month during the Contest Period, for a total of seven (7) monthly prizes, each prize consisting of $1,000 CAD to be deposited by the Contest Sponsor into a Registered Education Savings Plan (a “RESP”) opened in the name of the child designated as the beneficiary of the RESP (collectively, the “Monthly Prizes” or “Prizes”). The Prize winners will be responsible for working with the financial institution of their choice to open the RESP, which must be opened within one (1) year of being declared a Prize winner of this Contest, if such RESP does not already exist. The Prize winners will need to provide the Contest Sponsor with all necessary information to allow the Contest Sponsor to deposit the Prize into the RESP. There is no need to add or deposit any other monies or funds to the RESP. The Prize winners must agree to the terms and conditions of the applicable financial institution of the applicable RESP, and are solely responsible for complying with such terms and conditions. The Prize winners are solely responsible for paying all applicable taxes and reporting any taxable income associated with the Prizes. Any additional charges not described herein are the sole responsibility of the Prize winners.


  1. Monthly Prize Draws. The Monthly Prize entry period always starts at 12:00 a.m. E.T on the first calendar day of the month (with the exception of the month of June, when it starts at 12:00 p.m. E.T. on June 13, 2024) and ends at 11:59 p.m. E.T of the last day of the same calendar month (each, a “Monthly Prize Entry Period”). The Monthly Prize Entry Periods and applicable draw dates are detailed in the table below. Monthly Prize draws will be conducted by the Contest Sponsor, located 1680 Venture Drive, Kingston, ON K7P 0E9 CANADA. NOTE: Monthly Prize Draws will only be conducted from among eligible entries received during the applicable Monthly Prize Entry Period.  


Monthly Prize Entry Period

Draw Date

June 13 to June 30

July 5, 2024

July 1 to July 31

August 7, 2024

August 1 to August 31

September 6, 2024

September 1 to September 30

October 7, 2024

October 1 to October 31

November 7, 2024

November 1 to November 30

December 6, 2024

December 1 to December 31

January 7, 2025



  1. Prize Limit and Odds of Winning. One (1) Prize is available to be won per Account. The odds of winning a Prize depend on the number of eligible Entries submitted during the applicable Monthly Prize Draw Entry Period and received in accordance with these Contest Rules.
  2. Declaration of Winners and How to Claim a Prize. To be declared a winner and claim a Prize, any Entrant whose Entry has been selected at random must:
    • a. Successfully be reached by email by the Contest Sponsor within ten (10) business days of the draw;
    • b. Correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question, without assistance of any kind, whether mechanical, electronic or otherwise, to be administered by email or other means by the Contest Sponsor; and
    • c. Complete and return a Declaration and Release Form (a “Release”) to the Contest Sponsor, which, among other things: confirms compliance with these Rules; acknowledges acceptance of the Prize as awarded; and releases the Contest Sponsor, and its affiliated and related companies, advertising and promotional agencies, the prize suppliers, and each of their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees, members, agents, dealers, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, the potential winner’s participation therein and the awarding and use/misuse of the Prize or any portion thereof.

In the event of failure by any Entrant to comply with any of the conditions listed above, or any condition specified in these Contest Rules, then such person will be disqualified (and will forfeit all rights to the applicable Prize) and the Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and time permitting, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant for the applicable Prize from among the remaining eligible entries submitted and received in accordance with these Rules, in accordance with the procedures outlined in these Rules (in which case the foregoing provisions of this Rule 7 shall apply to such newly-selected eligible entrant).

Following confirmation by the Contest Sponsor of the winners, the Contest Sponsor will contact them to arrange delivery of the Prize won. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any Prize once it has been shipped. Each Prize will only be awarded to the person whose verifiable full name, and valid email address is associated with the Entry in question. By accepting a Prize, each confirmed winner agrees to waive all recourse against the Releasees if the Prize does not prove satisfactory, either in whole or in part.


  1. Use of Personal Information. Personal information collected via the Entry form from Entrants by the Contest Sponsor is collected for the purpose of administering the Contest and Prize fulfillment, as well as for creating, granting access to, and maintaining the Account created under Rule 3 above. In addition, with the consent of the winner(s), the first name of the winner(s) and their child may be published on the Contest Sponsor’s social media and/or Website. No other informational or marketing communications will be received by the Entrant, unless the Entrant has given explicit consent to receive such communications. For further information on how the Contest Sponsor collects, stores and uses personal information, please consult the Consumer Privacy Policy.


  1. Accuracy of Entries. The information provided by Entrants must be complete and accurate. The Contest Sponsor will not be held responsible for any late, misdirected or incomplete Entries. Any Entry that is incomplete, mutilated, reproduced or transmitted late will be disqualified and will not be eligible for the Prize draw. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the decisions made by the Contest Sponsor in this regard are final and without appeal.


  1. Disqualification. The Contest Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any individual or to cancel one or more Entries from any Entrant participating in this Contest or attempting to participate using means that violate these Contest Rules or likely to be unfair to other Entrants (e.g. several entries using the same or different email address for the same baby, etc.). Such an individual may be reported to the relevant legal authorities. Except as otherwise provided herein, the decisions made by the Contest Sponsor in this regard are final and without appeal. WARNING: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE CONTEST SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.




  1. No Warranties. None of the Releasees makes any representation or offers any warranty, express or implied, as to the quality or fitness of the Prizes awarded in connection with the Contest. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, each confirmed winner understands and acknowledges that he or she may not seek reimbursement or pursue any legal or equitable remedy from either the Contest Sponsor or any of the other Releasees (see Rule 13 below) should the Prize or any portion thereof fail to be fit for its purpose or is in any way unsatisfactory. For greater certainty and the avoidance of any doubt, by accepting a Prize, each confirmed winner agrees to waive all recourse against the Contest Sponsor and all the other Releasees if the Prize does not prove satisfactory, either in whole or in part. Each such confirmed winner acknowledges and agrees that their recourse regarding the Prize, once delivered, shall be limited to the prize issuer.


  1. Releasees. Entrants agree to abide by the terms of these Contest Rules and the decisions of the Contest Sponsor, which shall be final and without appeal, except as otherwise provided herein. This Contest is subject to all applicable laws. By entering, Entrants release and hold harmless the Releasees from any liability for any injuries, loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Contest, the Entrant’s participation therein or the Prize.


  1. Limitation of Liability. The Releasees will not be liable for: (i) any failure of the Website during the Contest; (ii) any technical malfunction or other problems of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, those relating to the telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software; (iii) the failure of any Entry, and/or other information to be received, captured or recorded for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, postal service delays or disruption; (iv) any injury or damage to an Entrant’s or any other person’s computer or other device related to or resulting from participating in the Contest; (v) anyone being incorrectly and/or mistakenly identified as a winner or potential winner; and/or (vi) any combination of the above.


  1. Entrant. For the purposes of these Rules, the Entrant is the person whose contact information appears on the Entry form. It is this person who must answer the mathematical skill-testing question and to whom the Prize will be awarded in accordance with these Rules. The Contest Sponsor reserves the right to require proof of identity prior to Prize remittance.


  1. Changes to the Contest. The Contest Sponsor reserves the right to withdraw, amend or suspend this Contest (or to amend these Rules) in any way, in the event of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor that interferes with the proper conduct of this Contest as contemplated by these Rules, including, without limitation, any error, problem, computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or failure of any kind whatsoever. Any attempt to undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest in any way (as determined by the Contest Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion) may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, the Contest Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.  The Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend or suspend this Contest, or to amend these Rules, in any way without prior notice or obligation, in the event of any accident or any administrative or other error of any kind, or for any other reason whatsoever.  The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to administer an alternate test of skill as it deems appropriate based on the circumstances and/or to comply with applicable law.